A Mama’s boy
with a filthy heart,
feeding the monster
with everybody’s parts.
Living the dream
while the masses slave
with all their might,
why run their minds
if you can’t touch their hearts?
Spilling chocolate words
while burning
through their box houses;
how could you know what love is,
when all you do is run
from promises you can’t keep?
With all hopes shattered,
lives tethered to poverty
while poor Jenny
cries herself to death,
you live your life
as if everything’s
fine and keen.
Your dogmas deciding
amongst crossroads
for your populist peers,
while cleaning
your family name
across the books
you wished to be unseen.
Singing the same note
of an identical monstrous tune,
how can you run
with your eyes closed
while ignoring their ghosts?
Written by McGiorge David
Artwork by Ruu