Clarisse Revestir, the Vice President Internal, is in the line of succession for the highest position of the student governing body after the sudden resignation of the former USC President Paul Ernest Carreon.
“I would say that they (students) could expect the council to move forward and continue its student-centered actions just like how we started”, Clarisse Revestir said.
She added that the University Student Council will do everything in their power to serve and lobby the concerns of the student body despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Meanwhile Jonard Balilu, the Vice President External will elevate to the VP Internal position while Angelo Miguel Dizon, School of Education Senator, will take up the vacant position as VP External as he garnered the highest votes among the senators who are still in the council.
However, the succession is not yet official as the University Student Electoral Board (USEB) is yet to declare the succession as official.