Before getting trapped into the malfunctioning system of the government, let’s give our appreciation and congratulate those who have fought enough to reach this academic finish line despite the sleepless nights, difficulties, and the long year to get into bigger challenges in life.
Besides all these dramas, take some time today to ponder about what you’ve learned outside the four walls of the classroom. The fun and stress we have shared with our companions. The complicated numbers we tried so hard to understand and the people who inspired us to get through each semester. The effort and commitment spent in finishing your thesis. Now, you can throw your papers up in the air like how you always wanted it. You’ll probably miss the smell of your favorite food store and the silence of the library. And those struggles that demanded fellow students to stand up for your rights #HAUyokoNangMagmahal!
You are all probably wondering how the last four or more years went by. Questioning, how did you surpass the breakdowns and the times you were an inch away from giving up. The significant part is you have all achieved another milestone and it is time to give back to the nation.
With an ambiance we consistently inbreathe, may your academic work be utilized in fighting the rights of the poor and the oppressed who have long been struggling against the rails of injustices and tyranny.
Despite the unusual circumstances, everyone deserves a pat on the back and let the world know about your hard-earned diploma, “Brilliance, a degree, and a heart for serving the people. Watch out world— this grad has it all.”
To all graduates of batch 2019-2020, the Angelite community is proud with all of you!
Art by Bernard Domingo
Words by Jay-Ar Turla and Xia Xinjie