The A-Team stands in solidarity with the youth and the masses in opposing proposed cuts to funding for state-run colleges and universities.

More than 110 State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) around the country will have to eliminate a combined total of nearly 10.85 billion pesos from their budgets once approved by the country’s lawmakers. This move is unconstitutional since the 1987 Constitution requires the highest budgetary priority to be given to the education sector.

Reduced funding for our country’s SUCs would mean fewer in-need students receiving financial aid and fewer resources for state universities to accommodate our nation’s children in achieving their rights to obtain education.

It is imperative that SUCs be supplied with the resources necessary to guarantee that the youth have access to safe and affordable quality education. Hence, the government should prioritize increasing financing for state universities, rather than slashing their much needed budget.

Resist budget cuts on higher education sector!

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